An Open Letter to the International Art Community:


For years we have witnessed how Edi Rama’s ascent to power in his own country has facilitated and enabled the rise of his profile as a practicing artist on the international art scene, especially since becoming Prime Minister in 2013. We are not immune to how attractive the idea of an artist–politician is at a time when mainstream politics has severe difficulties imagining any future at all. The artist–politician sells – both his work and his policies. Our concern then is that the rise of Edi Rama’s profile as a practicing artist on the international art scene, aided by a select group of artists, curators, and collectors, instead of drawing more attention to his politics has, paradoxically enough, completely eclipsed them. The time has come to look beyond Edi Rama’s ubiquitous painting of the façades in 2001 and turn our attention instead to his actual, recent policies, in particular in the context of his response to the global Covid-19 pandemic.

Edi Rama’s government has systematically undermined freedom of speech and expression. Journalists are systematically attacked – both verbally and physically, threatened and blackmailed, and laid off for reporting on corruption and organized crime, or simply for criticising the Rama government. Television programs can and have been shut down abruptly, including Públicus in 2016 just as it was about to air an exposé on the death of Ardit Gjoklaj, a child laborer killed in a work accident on a government owned landfill site. Indeed, entire television channels have been shut down, the latest being Ora News this month for allegedly violating social distancing measures but in fact because it is virtually the only remaining TV station critical of the government. All other major news stations are owned by businessmen close to Edi Rama’s government, while he communicates mainly through social media, including his Facebook video channel ERTV, whose extensive funding sources remain unknown and unaccounted for.

Media watchdog organizations like the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the International Press Institute (IPI), Reporters Without Borders (RSF), and the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) have repeatedly called out the deterioration of free press in Albania. Their condemnation reached momentum at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, when the Albanian government repeatedly tried to push through parliament the so-called “Anti-Defamation” bill, which gives an agency answering to the Council of Ministers the power to fine and even shut down online media with minimal evidence and without any oversight from the judiciary. Around the same time, the Albanian Parliament actually passed an even more disturbing piece of legislation, the so-called “Anti-KÇK” bill, thereby paving the way for the creation of an “elite” police force that, among other things, can conduct electronic surveillance and home searches, as well as stop and detain “suspects” without a court order.

While the violation of human rights by and under Edi Rama’s government is not new, the creation of a legal framework for the abolition or suspension of the fundamental rights and freedoms of Albanian citizens by the executive in toto is exceptionally alarming. Edi Rama has ruthlessly exploited four key moments in order to achieve this. Namely, the institutional and power vacuum created by the so-called “Justice Reform” since 2016, as a result of which Albania has neither a fully functional Constitutional Court nor a functional Supreme Court; the decision of the MPs of the two main opposition parties to rescind their mandates in early 2019, as a result of which Albania does not have a functional parliament; the anti-constitutional one-party local elections held in June 2019, enabling the Socialist Party to gain control of virtually all municipalities across the country; and, finally, the catastrophic earthquake of November 26, 2019, and the Covid-19 pandemic as a result of which Albania has been under a state of emergency that is continually extended, sometimes legally and sometimes not, and has seen the ushering in of a slew of draconian emergency measures.

It should come as no surprise then that, in stark contrast with Edi Rama’s own artistic career, cultural life in Albania has become increasingly precarious. Sources of funding for independent cultural producers are scarce and what non-state funding there is gets mostly channeled into the government’s vanity projects. Thus, whereas unaccounted sums of money were spent on the contemporary art center inside Edi Rama’s offices, all other national cultural institutions are systematically underfunded and mismanaged. Cultural heritage is threatened too, especially the Roman and Byzantine archeological heritage of Albania. Similarly, most of the cultural monuments in Tirana dating to the Ottoman period have already been destroyed in order to make room for government sponsored construction projects, and plans are currently underway to demolish the National Gallery of Arts, another architectural landmark and cultural heritage site.

The demolition of the historic National Theatre building on 17 May 2020, only two days before Albania’s severe COVID-19 lockdown was lifted marks a point of no return. Completed by the Italian fascists in 1939, it also functioned as an important reminder of communist rule in Albania, with the first high profile Albanian communist show trial being held inside it in 1945. The theater’s recent demolition came after two years of resistance by actors, writers, artists, and activists, only weeks after the building was nominated one of the seven most endangered cultural heritage sites in Europe by Europa Nostra, and after the European Commission called for dialogue about its preservation. This action was preceded by several unconstitutional and illegal acts at various levels of government, while a constitutional court complaint and an anti-corruption investigation against the ownership transfer of the theater from the national to local government was still pending. A large part of the publicly held land on which the National Theater stood is slated to be turned into privately owned highrise-buildings and shopping malls on the most expensive piece of real-estate in Tirana. The government has publicly admitted that it has no budget to rebuild the theater. This building, and everything that was inside – costumes, props, and archives of more than eighty years of Albanian theater history – was demolished in the middle of the night on Sunday May 17, 2020, accompanied by wanton police violence, shutting down of all electronic communications in the area, and random arrests.

The “values” and “colors” of Edi Rama’s work as an artist, his speeches and interviews on the international art scene, and the promotional machinery that surrounds his career differ like day and night from the policies his regime is implementing in Albania. Therefore, we, the undersigned, strongly call upon those in the international art community whose practices align with progressive politics, ethical work practices, and a critical engagement with civil society, to rethink their commitments – and the validity and honesty of these commitments – when collaborating with and promoting the work of an artist–politician whose practice goes against these commitments and who has shown to be an opponent of progressive, democratic, and inclusive ideals in his own country.

We call for solidarity from the international art world with the citizens, activists, and artists of Albania in condemning the actions of the government of Edi Rama, and a thorough reflection on the ethical and artistic implications of exhibiting and supporting his work and by extension his politics.

Versioni shqip: Letër e hapur drejtuar Komuniteti Ndërkombëtar të Artit: Ndaloni furçat artistike ndaj politikës së Edi Ramës

Version française: Albanie : lettre ouverte au monde international des arts sur la politique d’Edi Rama

Versione italiana: La lettera aperta degli intellettuali albanesi: perché Edi Rama ha sbagliato a demolire il teatro

Original Signatories

  1. Jonida Gashi, academic, cultural theorist, co-founder of DebatikCenter of Contemporary Art, Tirana
  2. Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei, journalist and publisher, The Hague/Tirana/Santa Barbara
  3. Armando Lulaj, artist and filmmaker, co-founder of DebatikCenter of Contemporary Art, Tirana
  4. Adela Halo, public policy analyst and anti-corruption expert, researcher in 18th century history of ideas at Queen Mary’s, London
  5. Elvis Hoxhaj, LGBT human rights activist, The Hague/Tirana
  6. Raino Isto, editor, ARTMargins Online
  7. Dritan Hyska, artist, Tirana/Berlin
  8. Alketa Ramaj, artist, Tirana
  9. Ergin Zaloshnja, artist and founder of SPUTNIK fanzine, Tirana
  10. Pleurad Xhafa, artist and co-founder of DebatikCenter of Contemporary Art, Tirana
  11. Wendy Morava, scriptwriter and editor, Tirana
  12. Xheni Karaj, LGBT activist and director of Aleanca LGBT, Tirana
  13. Eriola Pira, curator, Vera List Center for Art and Politics, The New School, New York
  14. Sonila Meço, producer, journalist and TV anchor, Tirana
  15. Adi Krasta, producer, journalist and TV anchor, Tirana/Prishtina
  16. Wolfgang Staehle, artist, New York
  17. Katerina Kolozova, Director of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Skopje, Professor of Philosophy, Epistemology and Gender Studies at ISSH and University American College, Skopje
  18. Elvira Dones, novelist and documentary filmmaker, Switzerland
  19. Vasco Dones, journalist, Switzerland
  20. Marco Mazzi, photographer and painter, Florence
  21. Neritan Sejamini, editor-in-chief, Exit Albania, Tirana
  22. Elidor Mëhilli, Associate Professor, City University of New York, New York
  23. Silvana Toska, Assistant Professor, Davidson College, North Carolina
  24. Adrian Paci, artist, director of Art House, Shkodër/Milan
  25. Eni Derhemi, artist, art historian, and researcher in post-dictatorship Albanian art, Bologna/ Tirana
  26. Alice Elizabeth Taylor, journalist and media freedom activist, Tirana
  27. Vjosa Musliu, postdoctoral fellow, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
  28. Barbara Halla, assistant editor, Asymptote Journal, Tirana/Paris
  29. Fatos Lubonja, writer and journalist, Tirana
  30. Diana Malaj, writer and co-founder of activist group ATA, Kamza
  31. Vasilika Laçi, civil rights activist and feminist, Tirana
  32. Lori Lako, visual artist, Florence
  33. Besar Likmeta, editor, BIRN Albania
  34. Gjergji Erëbara, journalist, BIRN Albania
  35. Hana Qena, artist and co-founder of HAVEIT, Tirana
  36. Alketa Sylaj, artist and co-founder of HAVEIT, Prishtina
  37. Arbërore Sylaj, artist and co-founder of HAVEIT, Prishtina
  38. Sofia Kalo, anthropologist and researcher, Chicago

  39. Also signed by:

  40. Erion Gjatolli, translator, Tirana
  41. Sonja Lau, curator and writer, Berlin
  42. Isuf Alla, interreligious dialogue, Rome
  43. Jonas Staal, artist, Athens/Rotterdam
  44. Drita Alla, Fashion Studies, Rome
  45. Lorena Kalaja, artist, New York
  46. Iva Lulashi, artist, Milan
  47. Vesa Qena, artist and co-founder of HAVEIT, Prishtina
  48. Marsela Dauti, researcher, Uppsala University, Sweden
  49. Federica Pompejano, Postdoctoral researcher, University of Genova, Italy
  50. Klodiana Millona, architect and researcher, Rotterdam, Netherlands
  51. Rigels Metolli, Engineer, Hamburg, Germany
  52. Yuan Chun Liu, artist/architect, Rotterdam/Taipei
  53. Besfort Idrizi, actor and director, Albanian theater for children and youth, Skopje, RN Macedonia
  54. Jora Kasapi, Architect, Tirana, Albania
  55. Stuart Munro, writer, Tokyo
  56. Ricardo Dominguez, Associate Professor, UCSD
  57. Chun-chi Wang, curator and researcher, Berlin/Taipei
  58. Ervin Qafmolla, journalist, Tirana
  59. Dan Rudmann, publisher, US
  60. Andi Tepelena, cultural manager, activist, Albania
  61. Taulant Muka, Research Group Leader, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland
  62. Donald Merizaj, software engineer, Albania
  63. Hana Halilaj, co-founder of Hajde! Foundation, Prishtinë
  64. Doruntina Kastrati, artist, Prishtina, Kosovo
  65. Andreas Petrossiants, independent scholar, NYC
  66. Blerta Hoçia, artist and curator, Tirana/Prishtina
  67. Emiljano Kaziaj, Media Researcher, Human Rights Activist, Albania
  68. Carrie Ann Morgan, anthropologist and linguist, Tirana/Ann Arbor
  69. Fatlum Doci, artist, Albania
  70. Entela Bineri, art journalist, Tirana
  71. Arba Bekteshi, urban anthropologist, Tirana
  72. Endri Dani, artist, Tirana
  73. Remijon Pronja, artist and lecturer, Polis University, Tirana
  74. Olson Lamaj, artist, Tirana, Albania
  75. Celik Rruplli, journalist, Tirana
  76. Enriketa Papa, historian, University of Tirana
  77. Genta Nishku, literary scholar, writer and translator, Tirana/NYC
  78. Boštjan Bugarič, architect , lecturer and senior editor at Architectuul, Berlin
  79. Alban Muja, artist, Prishtina, Kosovo
  80. Boris Budini, systems architect, Albania
  81. Sonia Budini, architect, Albania
  82. Matteo Pizzolante, Artist, Milan
  83. Gentian Shkurti, artist, Tirana, Albania
  84. Lorina Bekteshi, consultant, Tirana, Albania
  85. Orinda Malltezi, lecturer, University of Tirana, Albania
  86. Petrit Pula, Music Curator & Producer, New York City
  87. Sashenka Lleshaj, PhD student, McGill University, Montréal, Quebec
  88. Dushko Petrovich, Chair of New Arts Journalism, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  89. Carin Kuoni, Vera List Center for Art and Politics, New York City
  90. Chelsea Haines, art historian, New York
  91. Koloreto Cukali, scriptwriter and producer, Tirana
  92. Besnik Pula, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg
  93. Claire Bishop, Professor, Graduate Center, City University of New York
  94. Hrisina Ivanoska, artist and co-founder of Press to Exit Project Space, Skopje
  95. Yane Calovski, artist and co-founder of Press to Exit Project Space, Skopje
  96. Saisha Grayson, contemporary curator, New York/DC
  97. Sadie Mlika, writer and activist, Boston, MA
  98. Kristale Ivezaj Rama, journalist, founder of The Balkan Artists’ Guild, London
  99. Donika Çina, artist, Tirana
  100. Dorina Pllumbi, architect and researcher, TU Delft, Netherlands
  101. Brunilda Pali, researcher, KU Leuven, Belgium
  102. Ornela Zani, activist, Tirana, Albania
  103. Ilir Kaso, artist, Tirana
  104. Pezana Rexha, architect, Tirana, Albania
  105. Elvia Wilk, writer/editor, New York City
  106. Valentina Koça, gallerist and founder of Zeta Center for Contemporary Art, Tirana
  107. Esmeralda Kallollari, semiotics student, University of Passau, Germany
  108. Ergys Mita, musician, Tirana
  109. Parid Cefa, artist, New York
  110. Angelo Careri, writer and theoretician, Paris
  111. Gerta Xhelo, Director of Production, TED-Ed --TED Conferences, New York
  112. Nina Power, writer and philosopher, London
  113. Merita Smaja, actress at Teatri Migjeni, Shkodër
  114. Stefan Çapaliku, writer, Tirana
  115. Eros Dibra, artist, Albania
  116. Virion Graçi, writer, Tirana-Albania
  117. Kastriot Çipi, theatre director, Albania
  118. María Novas Ferradás, architect and researcher, Galicia, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain and Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
  119. Kamela Guza, Postdoctoral researcher, University of Florence, Italy
  120. Borana Kullolli, Civil Eng. PhD candidate, TU Berlin, Germany
  121. Saimir Kristo, architect and Vice-Dean of POLIS University, Tirana
  122. Kristina Millona, human rights defender, Belgrade, Serbia
  123. Tancrède Rivière, writer and researcher, Paris
  124. Robert Aliaj Dragot, visual artist and activist, Tirana/Brussels
  125. Stefano Romano, artist and lecturer at Polis University, Tirana
  126. Elsa Demo, culture journalist, Tirana
  127. Anila Dedaj, journalist, Tirana
  128. Elian Stefa, architect and curator, Tirana
  129. Rita Gjeka, actress at Teatri Migjeni, Shkodër
  130. Durim Taçi, writer and translator, Italy
  131. Ag Apolloni, playwright, Prishtina
  132. Irsida Bejo, architectural theorist & educator, USA
  133. Caterina Preda, art and politics theoretician, Romania
  134. Anxhela Çikopano, theater director, translator and scholar in cultural anthropology, Tirana
  135. Nada Gurashi, translator
  136. Rezarta Caushaj, activist and journalist, Tirana
  137. Pietro Gaglianò, art critic and pedagogist, Florence
  138. Daria Filardo, curator and educator, Palermo/Florence
  139. Kristina Gjini, architect, Chicago IL
  140. Melina Kotsia, architect and critical writer, Tirana/Seattle
  141. Hashim Baftiari, publisher, Tetova, North Macedonia
  142. Kailey Rocker, Cultural Anthropologist and PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, USA
  143. Suela Bako, film and theatre actress / director, Tirana
  144. Romir Zalla, actor, Tirana, Albania
  145. Dasara Xhangolli, theater director/actress, Tirana
  146. Dhimitraq Kote, artist, Florence/Korçë
  147. Ermela Teli, film director, Albania
  148. Josseline Black, choreographer and curator
  149. Edmond Dingu, electrical engineer, Tirana, Albania
  150. Driant Zeneli, visual artist, Milan and Tirana
  151. Parid Teferiçi, writer, Tirana
  152. Shilton Rica, Senior Design Engineer, Luxembourg
  153. Irhan Jubica, writer & journalist, "ARS" Albanian literary magazine
  154. Flora Camaj, journalist, Prishtinë
  155. Alban Gjata, art & architecture, Bergamo, Italy
  156. Corrado Gugliotta, Laveronica Gallery, Modica Italy
  157. Aida Baro, translator and editor, Tirana
  158. Lea Ademi, human rights defender
  159. Gladiola Harizaj, actress at National Theater of Albania
  160. Ervin Bejleri, actor at National Experimental Theater of Albania
  161. Simone Harrill, artist, UK
  162. Emi Furxhi, human rights activist, Tiranë
  163. Blerti Murataj, visual artist and filmmaker, New York
  164. Jonida Xherri, visual artist, Durrës/Modica
  165. Ilire Zajmi, writer and journalist, Prishtinë
  166. Chiara Enzo, artist, Venice, Italy
  167. Ludovico Riviera, Italy
  168. Elton Caushi, tour operator and media producer, Albania
  169. Artan Haxhi, professor, Shkodra University
  170. Albien Alushaj, visual artist, Florence
  171. Serena Becagli, art coordinator and co-founder of Estuario Project Space, Florence/Prato
  172. Rozi Kostani, theatre director, actress and professor
  173. Driada Dervishi, theatre director, Albania
  174. Eltjana Shkreli, urban planner, GO2_Sustainable Urban Planning Organization
  175. Rosella Pellicciotti, choreographer, dancer, performer, Tirana (AL)
  176. Elona Pira, founding editor, Peizazhe të fjalës magazine, Tirana/New York
  177. Dalina Gashi, architect, London
  178. Agata Rogoś, curator, Institut für Slawistik Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  179. Matilda Odobashi, visual artist, Tirana
  180. Abderrahim Kassou, Architect, Casablanca
  181. Erla Gjinishi, social scientist, Sweden
  182. Valentina Bonizzi, artist, Glasgow/Tirana
  183. Nicola Pedrazzi, Bologna, journalist Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa
  184. Mikaela Minga, musicologist, Tirana
  185. Teuta Toska, linguist, Elbasan
  186. Su Tomesen, artist, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  187. Driton Selmani, visual artist, Prishtina, Kosovo
  188. Miran Mohar, artist, Ljubljana
  189. Maltin Grabivaj, structural engineer, Tirana
  190. Martino Baldi, poet and librarian, Pistoia, Italy
  191. Lorena Kalaja, artist, New York
  192. Pasko Kisic, political scientist, Stockholm
  193. Richard van den Brink, publisher, Skanderbeg Books, Tirana, Utrecht/the Netherlands
  194. Majkell Veizaj, web developer, Tirana
  195. Ataol Kaso, publisher, Pika pa sipërfaqe, Tirana
  196. Eyal Weizman, professor, Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths, University of London, founder and director of Forensic Architecture, London
  197. Dr. Mateja Bučar, choreographer, president of DUM-Association of Artists, Slovenia
  198. Gerda Mulder, photo-editor Skanderbeg Books, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  199. Mondi Denelli, violinist, Shkodër, Albania
  200. Ares Shporta, Director of Lumbardhi Foundation, Prizren, Kosovo
  201. Rok Vevar, dance historian and curator, Ljubljana
  202. Pia Brezavšček, editor of Maska journal, Ljubljana
  203. Alban Nimani, artist, director of TULLA - Culture Center, Tirana/Prishtina
  204. Vittoria Ciolini, President of the culture association Dryphoto Arte Contemporanea, Prato, Italy
  205. Mirna Pedalo, visiting lecturer, Royal College of Art, London, UK
  206. Endi Tupja, artist, filmmaker, Tirana/Berlin
  207. Jiří Němec, International Relations Student and Balkanologist, Brno, Czech Republic
  208. Sislej Xhafa, artist, New York, USA
  209. Daniel Languré, architect, Mexico City, Mexico
  210. Miloš Kosec, architect, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  211. Sanja Horvatinčić, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Art History, Zagreb, Croatia
  212. Carolina Gómez Pérez, Architect & Strategic Urban Planner
  213. Irena Šentevska, researcher and curator, Belgrade, Serbia
  214. Davide Marchetti, architect & visiting professor, Rome, Italy
  215. Jelica Jovanović, architect & researcher, Belgrade, Serbia
  216. Rena Raedle, artist, Belgrade
  217. Vladan Jeremić, artist, Belgrade
  218. Alessandra Briganti, journalist, Rome
  219. Ana Jovanović, architect, Belgrade, Serbia
  220. Tiago Mota Saraiva, architect, Lisbon
  221. Mladen Jadric, Architect, Ass.Prof.Dr.DI Vienna
  222. Odeta Çunaj Stabenow, Filmmaker, Berlin
  223. Stefan Stabenow, Film Editor, Berlin
  224. Flutura Açka, writer/publisher, Tirana, Utrecht/the Netherlands
  225. Amelida Celepija, Photographer & Artist, London,UK
  226. Daniele Capra, art critic and independent curator, Venice
  227. Ana Džokić, architect, Belgrade/Rotterdam
  228. Marc Neelen, architect, Rotterdam/Belgrade
  229. Xhorxhina Bami, correspondent for Kosovo, Balkan Insight/BIRN, Tirana/Prishtina
  230. Aleš Vodopivec, Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  231. Rosanna Cieri, director of the MOTUS Company (Italy)
  232. Simona Cieri, choreographer of the MOTUS Company (Italy)
  233. Ena Bavčić, human rights activist and documentarist (Sarajevo, BiH)
  234. Nevenka Koprivšek, director Bunker, Mladi levi festival (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
  235. Martina Agricoli, dancer of the MOTUS Company (Italy)
  236. Anisa Kushta, economist, Tirana
  237. Vjollca Rica, ingénieur d'études, France
  238. Rune Ottosen, Professor Emeritus journalism, Oslo Metropolitan University (Norway)
  239. Mamica Burda, architect, researcher, TU Wien, Vienna, Tirana
  240. Marson Korbi, architecture PhD, Polytechnic of Bari (Italy)
  241. Lejla Huremović, activist, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  242. Ilaria Fratantuono, dancer of the MOTUS Company (Italy)
  243. Lara Fresko, art historian, New York/Istanbul
  244. Gentiola Madhi, researcher & OBCT correspondent, Tirana / Verona (Italy)
  245. Maria Briganti, architect, Taranto
  246. Micol Viti, organizational staff of the MOTUS Company (Italy)
  247. Mattia Solano, dancer of the MOTUS Company (Italy)
  248. Ledio Allkja, urban planner, researcher Co-plan/Polis University
  249. Bruno Di Blasi, musician and photographer
  250. Judoris Merkaj, marketing student
  251. Realda Abdija, art historian, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  252. Lorena Gjana, Chief Operating Officer, INNVEST
  253. Gabriele Salvaterra, curator and museum professional, Trento, Italy
  254. jonathan lahey dronsfield, philosopher/artist, UK
  255. Clara Scola, art director of AnonimaKunsthalle, Milan, Italy
  256. Roberta Morello, dancer of the MOTUS Company (Italy)
  257. Armando Guçe, political analyst, Tirana, Albania
  258. Claudio Rossi, Italy
  259. Gorana Mlinarević, human rights lawyer, Sarajevo
  260. Beatrice Fleischlin, performer, Basel, Switzerland
  261. Marcella Stefanoni, gallerist, ARTRA Gallery, Milan
  262. Lorenzo Tiberio, student, Italy
  263. Anja Zorko, Slovenia
  264. Alexandros Tsakos, University of Bergen, Norway
  265. Yannis Papadopoulos, University of Brasília, Brazil
  266. Evan Panagopoulos, architecture tour guide, UK
  267. Sonja Dragović, researcher in urban studies, Podgorica / Lisbon
  268. Erion Hinaj, theater director and actor, Tirana
  269. Marilena Cammarota, teacher & researcher, Siena (Italy)
  270. Bernhard Studlar, playwright, Austria
  271. Ylber Marku, research fellow in World History, Xiamen University, China
  272. Paola Martina Petrocelli, student, University of Siena
  273. Giulia Dongilli, artist, Italy
  274. Katharina Stadler, artist, Tbilisi
  275. Herman Zonderland, photographer, Delft, the Netherlands
  276. Nina Galić, visual artist, Belgrade
  277. Arbër Elezi, visual artist, Florence
  278. Ivana Němec, nurse and midwife, Brno, Czech Republic
  279. Elidjon Grembi, artist, Düsseldorf, Germany
  280. Darko Vukić, artist, Serbia
  281. Lisandri Kola, poet, researcher and lecturer University of Michigan, Ann Arbor/Michigan
  282. Aristea Kola, Kêns (critical journal) publisher, researcher and Graduate Student, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor/Michigan
  283. Amy Zion, curator and writer, Faculty, CCS Bard College, New York
  284. Arben Prendi, poet, researcher and lecturer University of Shkodra "Luigj Gurakuqi", Albania
  285. Danilo Correale, independent artist and researcher, New York
  286. Jonathan Eaton, Anthropologist and PhD student, University of British Columbia, Canada
  287. Arta Arifi, Cultural Anthropologist & Archaeologist, Pristina, Kosovo
  288. Kleidi Eski, visual storyteller, Tirana, Albania
  289. David Quezada, architecture MSc, structural engineer; lecturer Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Escuela de Arquitectura; founder of ARCADA, Santiago de Chile.
  290. Marko Peterlin, Director at IPoP - Institute for Spatial Policies, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  291. Tadej Glažar, professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  292. Clarence Tsui, film critic, lecturer and programmer, Hong Kong
  293. Susann Kreplin, research assistant - constructionLab/perceptionLab, TH OWL, Germany
  294. Shpëtim Selmani, actor and writer.
  295. Petra Čeferin, assoc. professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  296. Giulia Morucchio, curator, Venice (IT)
  297. Arne Vehovar, architect, Ljubljana,Slovenia
  298. Iris Sojli, writer and translator
  299. Magdalena Prus, architect
  300. Yvonne van Osch, writer, Amsterdam, Holland
  301. Maja Vardjan, curator, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  302. Jeff Bickert, writer/editor, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  303. Jernej Prijon, architect, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  304. Anna de Manincor | ZimmerFrei collective, artist and filmmaker, Bologna, Italy
  305. Uršula Berlot Pompe, assoc. prof., University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  306. Leda Lunghi, curator, Milan, Italy
  307. Regina Longo, media archivist and lecturer, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
  308. Fatmira Nikolli, culture journalist, Tirana
  309. Reto Kromer, film conservator and restorer, Lausanne, Switzerland
  310. Andrea Abati, photographer and founder of Dryphoto Arte Contemporanea, Prato, Italy
  311. Barbara Predan, assistant prof., University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  312. Simon Hewitt, art historian and journalist, Switzerland
  313. Stefan Haas, musician & graphic designer, Lucerne, Switzerland
  314. Sesilja Plasari, director, France
  315. Dritan Laçi, journalist, Tirana
  316. Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi, writer, philosopher, and activist, Bologna
  317. Andrea Pagnes, artist at VestAndPage, Italy/Germany
  318. Fatos Dingo, Psychologist and Cultural Anthropologist, Florence
  319. Nikola Slavevski, artist, Macedonia
  320. Kaja Lipnik Vehovar, architect, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  321. Fioralba Duma, human & civil rights activist and cultural promoter, Rome, Italy
  322. Ilir Qyrana, Albanian architect, Tirana, Albania
  323. Ana Grgić, lecturer in Film and Screen Studies, Monash University Malaysia
  324. Ervin Goci, activist and lecturer in journalism, University of Tirana
  325. Despina Zefkili, art critic, Athens, Greece
  326. Ismete Selmanaj Leba, journalist, writer and construction engineer, Italy
  327. Adele Budina, producer, Rome, Italy
  328. Nicole Davi, actor & director, Coach & Therapist, Lucerne, Switzerland
  329. Heligonka, Handcrafted New Folk Pop Band, Emmenbronx, Switzerland
  330. Ivi Petja, Freiburg im Breisgau
  331. Dorota Horodyska, interpreter, Poland
  332. Anne-Marie Tangen, Niayesh Travel, Norway
  333. John Dale, historian, Norway
  334. Dens Dimiņš, translator, Latvia
  335. Arjon Muarremi, Architect - Founder MAS - Muarremi Architecture Studio, Milano, Italy
  336. Ilda Mara, director of Art & Heritage Publication
  337. Mauro Geraci, Professore di Antropologia Culturale all'Università degli Studi di Messina. Cantastorie e Antifascista. Italia.
  338. Doris Xhaferi, resident intern, Bielefeld, Germany
  339. Michelle Millar Fisher, curator, MFA Boston
  340. Avni Delvina, artist, Cesena, Italy.
  341. Anxhelo Matrangolo, teacher, Italy.
  342. Louis Seiller, independent journalist, Western Balkans/Paris.
  343. Hans Peter Jost, photographer. Zurich, Switzerland.
  344. Barbad Golshiri, artist and critic, Iran
  345. Maryam Ashrafi, social documentary photographer, Paris
  346. Małgorzata Margo Rejmer, writer, Tirana/Warsaw
  347. Jan Jansen, human rights activist, Zutphen, The Netherlands.
  348. Jonila Godole, writer and director of IDMC, Tiraa
  349. Leo Platvoet, writer, former member Dutch Senate, The Netherlands
  350. Loreta Nikolli, translator and fair & events organizer, Bologna, Italy
  351. Endri Rexhepaj, IT auditor KPMG, Switzerland
  352. Viktor Misiano, “Moscow Art Magazine” chief-editor, Moscow, Russia
  353. Ilda Papajani, artist & DOP, Tirana, Albania
  354. Fabian Kati, documentary film director & sociologist, Manchester, UK
  355. Elgoni Nikolla, American Studies, PhD candidate at Sofia University "St.Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria
  356. Alessandra Ghinato, journalist and communications expert, Milano, Italy
  357. Lindita Komani, writer and translator, Tirana, Albania
  358. Elvin Nuri, advertiser, writer and communication expert, Tirana, AL
  359. Edmond Budina, director, scriptwriter and actor, Rome/Tirana
  360. Effi Weiss, artist, Filmmaker, Brussels, Belgium
  361. Jasmina Topić, writer and teacher, Pančevo, Serbia
  362. Prof. Waldemar Kuligowski, academic, editor and activist, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
  363. Alina Kubiak, producer and curator, Berlin, Germany
  364. Ewa Tracz, student, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
  365. Gazmend Bakalli, artist, Connecticut, US
  366. Davide Quadrio, curator and producer Art Hub, Hong Kong
  367. Andrej Strehovec, architect, critic, independent custos, member of Management Board at Association of Architects Novi Sad, Serbia
  368. Albi Cela, lawyer, human rights activist, LLM, Arizona State University, Washington D.C
  369. Ariglon Pali, journalist, Top Channel, Albania
  370. Norbert Tobolski, student, Mikołaj Kopernik University, Toruń, Poland
  371. Edona Bala, visual artist, Tirana, Albania
  372. Erid Katroshi, medical doctor, Germany
  373. Irena Sawicka, Institute of Slavic Studies, Warsaw, Poland
  374. Jean-Arnault Dérens, rédacteur en chef du Courrier des Balkans (France)
  375. Amaël Cattaruzza, Université Paris-VIII (France)
  376. Yoko Sawada, editor and publisher, Tokyo, Japan
  377. Sandra Krizic Roban, Institute of Art History, Zagreb, Croatia
  378. Florian Daka, architect, Tirana, Albania
  379. Lori E. Amy, Professor, Georgia Southern University
  380. Denis Esakov, artist, Berlin
  381. Magdalena Rekść, academic, University of Lodz, Poland
  382. Dana Kopel, writer and editor, New York
  383. Elsa Skënderi Rakipllari, linguist and lecturer, Tirana
  384. Vjeran Pavlaković, historian, University of Rijeka, Croatia
  385. Jeanne Lakits, dancer, France
  386. Viltė Migonytė-Petrulienė, Kaunas, Lithuania
  387. Edi Muka, curator, Sweden/Albania
  388. Samuel Gonçalves, architect, Portugal
  389. Philippa Driest, artist and janitor, Rotterdam, Netherlands
  390. Kristian Zara, visual artist, Curator, Art critic, UK, AL, GR
  391. Davide Sgambaro, artist, Turin, IT
  392. Amos Cappuccio, Turin, IT
  393. Nela Gubic, Institute of Art History, Croatia
  394. Eleonora Castagna, curator, Vipiteno, IT
  395. Mariana León, Art Historian, Actress, México
  396. Emma Tagliacollo, Adjunct Professor Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, IT
  397. Ugo Carughi, President Docomomo Italia, IT
  398. Beatrice Marchi, artist, Berlin, Germany
  399. Alice Pedroletti, artist and art worker, Italy
  400. Lucrezia Calabrò Visconti, curator, Italy
  401. Alessio Mazzaro, artist, Italy
  402. Caterina Erica Shanta, artist, Italy
  403. Eugenia Delfini, 2019-2020 Guggenheim Hilla Rebay International Fellow, Italy
  404. Simona Barbera, artist, Italy/Norway
  405. Beatrice Sacco, artist, Italy
  406. Maximiliano Siñani, artist, Bolivia
  407. Rachele D’Osualdo, Udine, Italy
  408. Jovan Minic, architect, SRB, IT
  409. Bertin Christelbauer, musician, Linz, Austria
  410. Dardana Berdyna, actor, Italy
  411. Ruth Beraha, artist, Italy
  412. Marta Papini, curator, Italy
  413. Rebecca Moccia, artist, Italy
  414. Irene Bagnara, curator and journalist, Italy
  415. Melpomeni Nelaj, multidisciplinary storyteller, Serbia
  416. Denis Ymeri, artist, Spain
  417. Enisa Selmanaj, architect, Rotterdam, Netherlands
  418. Carlo Sala, curator, Italy
  419. Naeem Mohaiemen, Society of Fellows, Columbia University, New York, US
  420. Hiroko Komatsu, artist, Japan
  421. Osamu Kanemura, artist, Japan
  422. Chiara Trivelli, artist, Italy
  423. Alessandra Saviotti, curator/educator, PhD fellow Liverpool John Moores University, UK
  424. Giorgio Verzotti, art critic, Milan
  425. Marco Scotini, curator, Milan
  426. Andris Brinkmanis, curator, Milan
  427. Valerio Deho, curator, Bologna
  428. Leah Whitman-Salkin, Tirana
  429. Yusuke Inoue, artist, Japan
  430. Gemma Medina Estupiñán, curator, art historian and educator, Netherlands.
  431. Marko Stamenkoviq, curator, art historian and writer, Albania.
  432. Fabiola Fiocco, curator/art worker, Italy
  433. G. Olmo Stuppia, artist, researcher, Italy
  434. Paola Pietronave, Italy
  435. Sara Molho, Italy
  436. Henri Kergomard, musician, Greece
  437. Kiyoshiro Tatekawa, artist, Japan
  438. Marta Orsola Sironi, curator/art worker, Italy
  439. Ilaria Conti, Italy/USA
  440. Alessia Certo, visual artist (collettivo Didymos), Italy
  441. Giulia Vannucci, visual artist (collettivo Didymos), Italy
  442. Riitta Nikula, Professor Emerita in Art History, Helsinki, Finland
  443. Jiewen Xiao, philosopher, Italy
  444. Francesca Blandino, art historian, Italy
  445. Mona Vatamanu, artist, Romania
  446. Florin Tudor, artist, Romania
  447. Joanna Minksztym, ethnologist, Poznań, Poland
  448. John Tilbury, pianist, England
  449. Eric van Hove, artist, Brussels/Marrakech
  450. Jon Campbell, artist, Berlin, Germany
  451. Tim Shaw, artist and academic, Newcastle, UK
  452. Braden Phillips, journalist and screenwriter, Barcelona, Spain
  453. Aaron Levy, Slought Foundation, Philadelphia/USA
  454. Marina Tkalčić, curator, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Croatia
  455. Corinne Mazzoli, Artist, Italy
  456. Art Workers Italia, Italy
  457. Eva Basso, curator and museum educator, Italy
  458. Virginia Lupo, gallery assistant, Italy
  459. Jacopo Belloni, artist, Italy
  460. Anna Stoppa, curator and educator, Curatorial Studies at KASK, Belgium
  461. Filippo Minelli, artist, Italy
  462. Klaus Schafler, artist, Austria
  463. Irene Guandalini, art mediator, MUSEION, Italy
  464. Silvia Jánošková, Slovakia
  465. Giovanni De Donà, artist and producer, Italy
  466. Dario Alì, editor-in-chief, KABUL magazine, Italy
  467. Dr Mark George, historian/accountant, England
  468. Peggy Gale, independent curator /critic, Toronto (Canada)
  469. Arnisa Halili, editor for culture, youth and society, online magazin (Germany)
  470. Anila Shehaj, architect, Italy
  471. Nico Angiuli, visual artist, Italy
  472. Christos Savvidis, Arts Manager, Curator, Greece
  473. Forum of Italian Contemporary Art
  474. Jorida Shahinas, independent researcher and writer Tirana, Albania
  475. Tania Bruguera, artist and activist, Havana and New York