The “Surveillance” platform of MANIFESTO Hijacking consists of two interrelated projects:
1. The CryptoParty will gather a group of hacktivists to teach artists and concerned citizens about how to protect themselves and their personal data. In late 2021, Albanian citizens experienced a widespread leak of significant personal information, in the form of a database that gathered citizens’ ID numbers (from their government-issued ID cards), place and position of employment, and monthly wages. A subsequent leak also released the make and license plate numbers of hundreds of thousands of citizens’ vehicles. These two massive data leaks followed an earlier leak, from April 2021, which released information kept on citizens of Tirana by the Socialist Party, including their political affiliations, as well as the name of the person tasked with canvassing that specific citizen. In the wake of these leaks, the need to protect citizens’ privacy is more urgent than ever.
2. Nothing to Hide maps points of surveillance – primarily security cameras used to monitor both public and private spaces–across Albanian cities, using mobile apps from nothingtohide.debatikcenter.net. The project empowers citizens to understand the networks that monitor their lives, opening up spaces and tactics to remain invisible to the eyes of power, to resist the oppressive regimes of visibility.
/ Nothing to Hide
by Boris Budini, Redon Skikuli + crowdsourced data from citizens
by Redon Skikuli & Boris Budini